4Trz Cloud Service

Cloud Computing Networking Connecting Concpet

Cloud security is critical to safeguard your assets stored in the cloud from various cyber threats. When assets are protected, it will ultimately maintain customer trust. To ensure maximum cloud security, you need strategies such as access control policies, cloud monitoring, encryption, and firewalls. You can design and implement cloud security best practices based on your business needs and regulatory requirements with our expertise. The right cloud security technologies will ultimately protect your sensitive data, applications, and workloads, preventing costly data breaches.

Cloud Computing Networking Connecting Concpet
Cloud Migration - Consulting

Moving your on-premises architectures to the cloud is vital for generating positive business outcomes. However, Cloud migration can be a strenuous task without knowing the best migration path that fits your business needs.

Our cloud skills and expertise help you understand what your cloud migration entails and identify strategies to minimize the risks, complexities, and costs. Fortress will work closely with you to assess your business goals, design the most effective cloud migration strategy, and help a smooth transition to the cloud.

Cloud Computing Networking Connecting Concpet

Businesses invest in the cloud to reduce ongoing operational and maintenance costs, maintaining the scalability and resilience they need. Fortress will work with you to plan your cloud migration with optimized upfront and migration costs. When you are in the cloud, applying cost reduction strategies such as right-sizing instances and auto-scaling helps you better save cloud costs. Fortress will ensure you only pay for what you need by optimizing your cloud usage, improving the predictability of your spending.

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Getting Started with the Cloud

Adopting the cloud doesn’t have to be complicated. The benefits of reduced costs and complexity, flexible scalability, and lower per-unit cost are simply too alluring to ignore. Concerns about security, costs and support are valid but today you may actually be exposing your business to more breach vulnerabilities by not being in the cloud.

Cloud Solutions

Cloud Security

Security - ZeroTrust - Sase

As businesses are shifting towards remote working cultures, there is a growing risk for network security than ever before. That is why Fortress helps businesses to leverage Zero Trust and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), which are the topmost cloud networking security approaches worldwide. Zero trust operates on the principle that trust no one and denies access to network resources by everyone unless it is explicitly allowed enabling tighter security and preventing security breaches. Secure access service edge (SASE) brings together capabilities of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and SDWANs and cloud security mechanisms such as zero-trust, firewalls, and secure gateways that will deliver a service from the cloud.

cloud database


Cloud databases enable hosting your on-premises databases on the cloud, removing the burden of provisioning and management. For example, RDS is an AWS-managed database that provides several database engines, including MySQL, Oracle, and Aurora. It is designed to be resilient with automated backups, snapshots, and standby databases. You can also off-load frequent read queries using RDS read replicas to optimize the main database performance. Encryption of stored data in RDS and data in transit guarantees your data security. Scaling is less complex than on-premises databases because RDS can scale automatically based on the data load. Whatever your data requirements are, Fortress will work closely with you to identify a suitable database, data migration, and management.



The Internet of Things (IoT) adoption has grown significantly over the past years. IoT enables physical devices connected to the internet to collect and share various information. In combination with AI and Cloud computing, IoT is helping businesses increase revenue and gain new insights into many business areas. Leveraging cloud IoT technologies such as AWS IoT core enables businesses to connect billions of IoT devices across the organizations. By providing support to leverage IoT, Fortress helps businesses improve the efficiency of existing processes such as customer services, financial services, and other operational activities


AI has revolutionized the way many industries worldwide operate. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of computers and systems to do what humans can do by mimicking the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Machine Learning (ML) is the subfield of AI that enables building and deploying predictive models. Cloud AI services help businesses to gain valuable insights from various data sources. With Cloud migration, businesses can use high-performing, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure to quickly build and deploy ML algorithms. Our focus on Cloud-based AI helps businesses improve processes, customer experience and promote rapid innovation.

4trz data recovery

Disaster recovery

Data are the most critical asset in any organization, and any data loss will severely affect the business continuity. But it is difficult to predict when a disaster will strike and how much impact it will have on your organization. Cloud is designed to achieve quick disaster recovery with zero or lowest downtimes for your applications. Continuous backup with point-in-time recovery is the best disaster recovery approach most cloud storage services offer. Most cloud databases also can recover from disasters through data replication within multiple regions. If you want your cloud architecture to be resilient to disasters, Fortress can help you with robust disaster recovery plans.

Saas Paas Iaas

Iaas - Paas - Saas

Fortress enables businesses to use IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS cloud delivery models, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides cloud infrastructure as you need them, giving you the flexibility to purchase only the resources you need. Elastic Beanstalk is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that enables businesses to deploy applications written in many programming languages. The service does infrastructure provisioning and management, letting you focus on writing code. Software as a Service (SaaS) provides customers to access applications over the internet, increasing software mobility, providing easy customizations, and cutting down costs


Serverless computing

Do you want your team to focus on solving more important challenges rather than worrying about underlying cloud infrastructures? Then leveraging serverless applications is the right way of doing it. Lambda is a serverless architecture that allows you to create and deploy applications without provisioning and managing cloud infrastructures. It enables you to run your code on-demand and only pay for what you use. Lambda also can cater to increasing resource demands by automatic scaling. Many applications benefit from serverless computing, including large-scale data processing, Analytics, and event-driven applications. With our expertise in cloud services, we can help your organization get great benefits from serverless applications.

cloud data lake

Storage Data Lake

Your on-premises storage can be complex and expensive to scale and maintain according to data growth. With cloud storage, you can easily scale up or down according to your data demands while reducing the costs of storage, retrieval, and maintenance. Also, cloud storage allows you to build data lakes for high-performing data analytics.

A data lake is acentralized repository that enables you to store data from various sources suchas log files, social media, and clickstreams. You can run real-time analytics,machine learning on data lakes to derive different insights about consumer behaviors and generate business value.




In a cloud-centric world, the capabilities of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SDWAN) enable businesses to provide a better user experience. A VPC provides an isolated private networking space within a public-hosted cloud to host your applications and resources. Users have full control over VPC security and the flexibility to expand and connect on-premises data centers. SDWANs allows business to combine MPLS, LTE, and broadband transport services to securely connect users to applications. Your SaaS and Cloud applications can improve the user experience with SDWANs while optimizing the operational costs and security.

FLEET Management

Fleet management is a rapidly growing industry that can benefit from adopting innovative cloud technologies. Maximum resource utilization and cost reduction are major objectives Fleet Management Organizations want to achieve. Especially cloud storage is useful to store and process a lot of data from GPS and sensors, enabling faster fleet tracking. Also, it allows you to track vehicle data and drive patterns to get critical insights into their behavior. If you want to improve the performance of your fleet management, work with us to leverage the power of cloud services for your fleet management.

By Industry

Cloud adoption is becoming increasingly important for the overall patient experience in healthcare services. Cloud platforms centrally manage a large volume of patient data without operational and infrastructure expenses. Compliance is easier for various data security regulations with top-level data security in hand. While improving efficiency, the cloud platforms highly promote smooth collaboration among patients and hospital staff. Further, as a data-rich industry, cloud migration helps health services leverage AI to drive advancements in medicine and patient care. Drive your digital transformation with the help of our expertise with cloud migration and achieve the benefits and success you are aiming for.
Health Care
Innovative, reliable, and cost-efficient cloud solutions have revolutionized how financial organizations operate, providing greater business agility. As a highly regulated industry that handles private and confidential data, cloud solutions enable financial firms to achieve continuous compliance. Real-time data and analytics tools designed on the cloud provide high-performing data analysis for gaining customer insights and improving overall business processes. Cloud solutions enable financial services to offer customers new products and services while keeping employees focused on more important tasks. Whether you're looking to migrate or are currently on a cloud platform, we help improve your business with innovative cloud solutions.
Cloud fintech
Cloud adoption is penetrating the Transportation and Logistics industry proving its success in improving business operations. Thanks to innovative and reliable cloud solutions, transportation, and logistics-bound tasks such as supply tracking, real-time vehicle tracking, and real-time inventory management are now easier than ever before. As with many industries, the transportation and logistics industry immensely benefits from cloud-based AI to identify performance bottlenecks, especially shipping and procurement. It allows them to design more innovative approaches to transfer goods with optimized costs. Improve your customer expectations by adopting innovative, reliable, and cost-effective cloud solutions and grow your business faster to achieve your revenue goals
transportation logistics
Transportation & Logistic
Customers looking for insurance coverages are increasing with unprecedented events such as the covid-19 pandemic. Cloud enables insurance organizations to gain advantages from the flexibility of the cloud by being able to quickly serve fluctuating customer demands. It implies that the insurance companies with cloud solutions have a competitive advantage over their counterparts in driving more consumers and increasing business revenue. Furthermore, Cloud solutions enable insurance companies to understand which policies customers are looking for and quickly integrate marketing campaigns to promote policies with established providers. Make your insurance business a great experience for existing and potential customers by leveraging the power of cloud solutions.
cloud insurance
Today, law enforcement agencies accumulate data from various sources, including body cameras, surveillance systems, criminal interviews, and social media. The challenge is secure storage and sharing of this sensitive information enabling faster law enforcement. Thanks to cloud service, law enforcement agencies now have scalable data storage for the increasing storage demands which meet security and compliance standards. In any event, including criminal investigation, it makes them quickly access the information they need. Cloud services also enable law enforcement to build intelligent systems that can predict violations of laws in advance. As an experienced MSP, we guide you to accelerate your law enforcement activities through cloud migration.
Law Enforcement
Not just large enterprises benefit from cloud computing. But also, small, and medium businesses (SMB) can immensely benefit from state-of-the-art cloud technologies. However, SMBs face unique challenges when embracing cloud technologies, such as lack of support, unbearable migration costs, and compatibility issues. Especially for SMBs, it is imperative to optimize initial costs associated with migration. However, once the business is moved to the cloud, it can save most operational and maintenance costs and staff costs, leading them to achieve a better ROI. As an experienced MSP, we are ready to help any SMB smoothly move to the cloud providing technical expertise, cost optimization strategies, and optimal solutions for any other challenges you face.
The retail industry is now taking a cloud-first approach shifting most of the workloads into cloud environments for providing a seamless customer experience. You can integrate business processes such as inventory management, recommendation engines for targeted product advertising, notifications, and shipping with cloud services. Retailers can pay for what they use, and there is no additional burden for managing cloud resources. Cloud scalability allows you to manage the load effectively if you experience peak user demands for your products. Fortress will help your retail business to take a competitive advantage by helping your smooth transition to the cloud.
Retail store
One of the significant concerns of federal government agencies moving to the cloud is whether the cloud services enable them to comply with mandatory regulations. The GovCloud effectively addresses this issue by providing dedicated regions to store their sensitive data and workloads, addressing their compliance requirements. GovCloud enhances data security using encryption and uses powerful access management mechanisms. Besides the security, another advantage of GovCloud adoption is getting valuable insights from large amounts of data they accumulate for better providing services. Government agencies can improve their overall productivity and deliver services to the public faster through cloud migration with our expertise.
government cloud